2013年12月23日 星期一

4.2 Premarital cohabitation: transciption

Okay, I'm Justine, and she is Joselin. We are going to talk about cohabitation. First one, I'm standing at the positive side. I made a photograph (correct: graph or chart). I think cohabitation has many positive meanings like KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER. Cohabitation provides a new way, a brand new way to know each other deeper.You can know his life hobby through cohabitation. And next one is (that) this cohabitation can make you two to FACE THE REAL LIFE. When you start to share your life, you have to learn to face more financial problems. Like, you can save your telephone charges, that(correct: which) is good, but you learn to share your air-conditioner charges because you're living together and you have to face many more problems in reality. Okay. And the third one is (that) all the cohabitations comes from one purpose: TEST IF HE OR SHE IS THE ONE. The one you can rely on him or her in the rest of life. How positive the meaning of cohabitation is.

Next one I'm going to talk about what cohabitation means legally. Cohabitation is a right of liberty that our laws allowed. And some people may say that you can't gain protection from our laws as same as in the marriage because the marriage has a paper(correct: a piece of paper), which means the law. But actually I found a book that writes(correct: said), "In number 1382 terms of the Civil Law, it indicated clearly that if someone cause others' damages, this kind of fact could force this person to be responsible for compensating others' damage." So, we can say that our laws have the ability to control this situation. That the laws can protect you ,you don't have to worry about if we take the cohabitation and we don't have the paper so that the laws can't protect you. That is not true. And we also can say that cohabitation provides a very good way for homosexual couples who can't have a marriage now, and the cohabitation can provide the feeling of home and family.

And next one is talking about WOMEN INDEPENDENCE. Why cohabitation came from women independence? In our conventional society, we depressed women for a very long time. When that day the women waked up, they tried to fight for their (right of) education. After having the education, they learned more and found out not only their right of education was taken away. There were still legal rights, social right, and economic status that they had been deprived. They still fought for legal fairness. We can found that recently we could choose children's last name, not just follow the tradition to use fathers' last names. So that, after all these (things), we could (also) found that women's economic status improved. The women didn't have to rely on marriage and their husband because they (already) have economic ability to make a living. Like "I don't have to marry someone to rely on him." We can say that cohabitation improved the social status of women. And we can found that sometimes someone would say,"When two people take the cohabitation, the Chasity of women would be valueless." They said that women's chasity is important. But actually, if we said that women is as same as men, then why don't we focus on the chasity of men? Okay ,and my part is over.  

