2013年11月14日 星期四

3.2 Premarital cohabitation: revised 2

  Cohabitation, which is used to be considered immoral in ancient Taiwan, should be re-defined nowadays. I found a thesis about cohabitation, which was written by a master student, LI,YA-HUEI,who majored in Department of Human Development and Family Studies in National Taiwan Normal University. It mentioned ," In foreign, Nock (1995) pointed out there were almost half of the US population had experiences of cohabitation before 30-year-old. And YANG,JING-LI(2004) used a census and the marital status distribution of household registration in 2000 A.D. to evaluate the overview of cohabitation in Taiwan. ... , (the population of cohabitation) accounted 5.9% in over-15-year-old and unmarried people." We can see that the rate of cohabitation in Taiwan is far lower than foreign countries. It is because the foreigners takes cohabitation as normal instead of discriminating it like an indiscretion.

  And in other paragraph, " Except the United States, in fact, cohabitation has generally accepted in many European countries , such as there are 90% of the Nordic population had experienced premarital cohabitation phase (quoted from YANG,JING-LI,the associate professor of department of Sociology in Nanhua University, 2004). Trost thought the statement that cohabitation is very common in Sweden than in the US is not complete, cohabitation is a kind of social structure rather than deviant behavior unmarried." This studying also mentioned that a research of ZHEN,XIANG-REN about Japanese rate of cohabitation.



